Green's Commissions!

Welcome to my commission Carrd! Here, you will find everything to know before commissioning me!

While I have the right to refuse anyone, I will not refuse anyone without a genuine reason, and I will not be rude about it or towards you. (The only real reason I'd deny a commission is if I genuinely could not draw it, really.)
PLEASE have clear, accessible references of the characters you'd like drawn ready! It makes it easier for both of us that way!
I reserve the right to use any public commission to advertise my work, however I do offer private commissions. These commissions will not meet anyone's eyes except mine, yours, and who you choose to show.
I also offer anonymous commissions, if you want a piece posted but do not want any credit, I'm happy to keep your privacy!
Privacy is a valuable thing to me, so I will not breach yours no matter what.
When you receive your commission, there are things you can do without any further permission from me!
This includes:-Completing sketches/lineart or flat colored pieces, I will provide a multi-layer file so you can edit these yourself, as well as clear PNGs!-Using the art you bought anywhere without a direct link to my profiles.-Repost my work after I've uploaded it. (if public)-Make any edits to finished pieces as you please._However, there are some things I do not want you to do, and may result in a private blacklist if you do them.
(Note: I don't think there's any possible way you can break these terms on accident, so please don't worry! These have to be deliberately malicious.)
_This includes:-Claiming my work as your own.-Using my work to train AI.-Using my work to spread hateful or bigoted messages.-Removing my watermark-Making a chargeback or claim after you've paid and approved everything.Breaking any of these terms will result in a blacklist, and I will not hesitate to tell others about your actions if they ask personally. I will not send people after you, however._:Extra:
I am anti-harassment, and an avid hater of cringe culture, so please don't shy away from asking me any questions about a commission you'd like done from me. Even if I refuse, I won't go on to judge, attack, or send others your way for any reason at all.
All returning customers get $5 off all their future commissions! So after your first order, you recieve a discount for life if you come back! Just as a little thank you for supporting me.💚

I require payment when the sketch, or at the very least the lineart, is finished and approved by you.
I can do payment plans if needed at all, but you will not get the completed piece until I have the full payment.
I only take payments in USD,
and you don't have to worry about PayPal fees or anything else like that!
_There are two different ways you can pay me:Ko-Fi (linked below)PayPal (I'll send you my link when the time comes!)

Discord is: wormiegreen
If you'd like to contact me!

Here's what I can/can't draw!Please don't feel bad if what you enjoy is in the 'can't draw' list, these are simply things I haven't practiced or just simply can't do.
There's no judgement here!

-Furries (Feral and Anthro)
-NSFW (Can do harder/'icky' stuff.)
-Most fetishes/kinks (You can ask, I won't judge!)
-Fan art and fan characters
-OC x Canon content
-Simple Mechas (see: FNAF)

CAN'T:-Extremely complicated backgrounds/complicated clothing/etc.
-Complicated Mechas (see: Transformers)
-Detailed armor
-Photo Realism
-Other people's direct art styles
-Vehicles (Boats, cars, etc.)
-Animations (Yet)

More examples of my work!

Here are some more examples of my work that weren't shown on my price sheet!(No NSFW or Gore shown here, message me for those examples!)